Wednesday 27 May 2009

You spend too much money on clothes.

First off I'd like to apologise for the lack of blogs recently. I've been in London and have been too occupied and tired to think about blogging. Now I'm back home I have time to vent my anger at you.

I would like to talk about the following phrase and all its variants. 

"You spend too much money on clothes."

The problem with this phrase is that the person saying it better remove themselves from all facets of capitalism if they want to have any logical grounding. Every time I hear a geeky subterranean blob say this I die a little on the inside. 

It is hard to claim the moral highground when you are sitting wearing clothes made by Bolivian children that are whipped for kicks. It is also difficult to win this argument when you spend all your money on video games, alcohol and lube.

EDIT FOR KEVIN: You can spend too much money on clothes if it prevents you from paying for the rent and your diabetes medication.


  1. Accouncing to someone that, "You spend too much money on clothes" is hardly a claim to morality.

  2. You are a geeky subterranean blob. You have said I spend too much money on clothes countless times.
