Thursday 14 May 2009

Hitlist #001

I am writing this article for the second time. The first time I wrote a scathing article about this man and it had no jokes. It was a bile filled rant about this recovering hambeast and lacked humour.

Gok Wan

To those of you unfamiliar with this living abortion, Gok Wan is an incredibly camp TV-stylist in the United Kingdom. He is famous for producing a television programme called 'How To Look Good Naked'

He is about as adept at fashion as Timmy Mallet's stylist, yet the sofa dwelling manatees of the UK hold him up as a paragon of fashion. Famous simply because he used to be morbidly obese and now is unnaturally thin, he now is seen as a fashion expert simply because he falls nicely into the 'gay fashion' stereotype. All of this is made worse by the fact that he is in fact very bad at his job. He leaves these women dolled up in unflattering clothes and gives no real useful advice.

In short: Gok Wan is to fashion what Katrina is to New Orleans.


    Also wondering if he picked those glasses himself lol

  2. Kash the whole point of how to look good naked is to give chubby middle aged women some form of confidence when previously they could barely undress without shying away from a mirror, not to make them conform to your bizarre ideals of what fashion is, which is so out of reach from anything NEAR everyday life that you shouldn't even be attempting to compare! You're missing the point here. Gok wan may look like a complete tit but what on EARTH? "gok wan is is to fashion what Katrina is to New Oleans" fuck you. Fashion is complete bullshit in this elitist format, nobody is going to purchase your £3000 shoes and look good, just feel like a smug fuck. Gok Wan and the fashion world are completely separate, this just makes you sound like an absolutely horrible person. "sofa dwelling manatees?"
    You dont sound like charlie brooker, kash, you sound like a knob.

  3. your blog is decent. the posts are too short. you rely on images too often.

  4. by that i mean graphs, not photos.

  5. YES, what a knob head! no other way I could word that.

  6. he doesn't rely on the graphs, you tit.
    they're the point of the post.

  7. I can't take a joke and am venting my sexual frustrations on somebody who is (shockingly) accusing a blatant media pin-up of being a bit ridiculous. I also use some laughably hollow stock insults about elitism, and somehow manage to fit some bizarre hypothesis about £3000 shoes into the mix somewhere. In short, I am a twat.

    (keep up the good work on this blog, it's shaping up to be really great and often hilarious!)

  8. someone should really sit you down and explain difference between high street fashion and haute couture to you

    "...point of how to look good naked is to give chubby middle aged women some form of confidence...not to make them conform to your bizarre ideals of what fashion is, which is so out of reach from anything NEAR everyday life that you shouldn't even be attempting to compare!"

    there's a distinct difference between catwalk and high street, influences may be taken from the catwalk but surely what is deemed "fashionable" is determined by the majority of the public wearing it making it a trend.

    At least we can all safely say that Gok Wan looks a hell of a lot better than you.

  9. What's up with all the abuse? If you don't like, go and start up your own Gok Wan praising blog or do something constructive.

  10. i love Gok Wan

  11. i am gok wan. suck my formerly obese cock you quirky, eccentric, CdG wannabe AKA kash AKA you.

    i m drunk :3

  12. No! I am Gok Wan! Stop being nasty or i'll set my middle-aged hoardes of women on you!
