Sunday, 31 May 2009

Things that I hope become ironic fashion trends #001

Irony is unavoidable in this day and age. As I become more jaded sometimes I find myself thinking that maybe I should just go with the flow instead of complaining about the things that unfashionable people do. I have decided to write this series of articles to explore the things that I hope become ironic fashion trends.


You all know what a refugee is. I hope that sometime around 2020 we'll have middle class teenagers donning fake name-brand tracksuits and commiting gang rape in order to be ironic refugees. I hope that the future Camden based Timothys and Victorias relocate to Calais and start calling themselves Iqbal and Afrique. I can just see these Hampshire born youths huddling around a burning oil tin, proud of how authentically displaced they look.

A man can dream.