Sunday 10 May 2009

Items that should never be worn #002

Picture this scene: A keffiyeh adorned man wakes up in the morning, spatters pale yellow paint onto his face, applies make up to make him look gaunt and ill, and leaves the house faking a hobble. As everyone looks at him with concerned eyes, his inner monologue is screaming with joy. "Yes! They really think I have AIDS!"

Ridiculous, right? Of course it is. The very idea strikes you as one of the most bizarre, petty things a human could contrive to do. And on principle, this scene is exactly the same to a common fashion crime I see on the streets, clear lensed glasses.

I am not talking about prescription lenses. If you have visual impairment by all means buy Elton John sunglasses and display with pride your slight disability. I am talking about the people that purchase glasses with clear lenses with the sole purpose of making people think that they do not have good eyesight. 
I cannot imagine a person so vacuous of intelligence and personality that they adorn their faces with such an item so that people apply the intelligent stereotype associated with glasses wearers. Someone so insecure in their own personality that they feel the need to borrow an illness, but I feel sad for society that this is common enough that our mass market fashion stores stock these monstrosities.

In short, anyone that wears these creations of the devil should be euthanised. It's the only humane thing to do.


  1. If you were to look at a person not wearing his well-suited and fashionable glasses, you wouldn't be able to spot the dfference between him and his 20/20 sighted identical twin.
    This is not an issue like whether a hitler youth suits may suit someone due to their genetically granted bone struture/hair quality.
    I think you missed the mark on this one.

  2. Y'know, glasses are a pain to wear. So I don't get why people would voluntarily wear them if they have nothing wrong with their eyes!
