Tuesday 19 May 2009

Racists: A fashionable perspective.

Now, before you start bawling at me for this article, I'd just like to point out that if you think racists and fashionable people are mutually exclusive groups you are an idiot and deserve to be curbstomped by whichever group of thugs has a bone to pick with your ethnic group. I'd also appreciate if any bleeding heart teenage politicians wouldn't question my choice of groups, this blog is about fashion, not politics and I don't want to have to write boring disclaimers like this one. During my research for this article I was even pleasantly surprised by the sartorial choices of certain racist groups.

The Ku Klux Klan

For those of you who live under a rock, the Ku Klux Klan are a white supremacist organisation with roots in the southern states of the USA. Although hard to appreciate at first glance, the Ku Klux Klan truly were pioneers of the Atelier look made so popular by Rick Owens and Viridi Anne. You can say what you like about these rough and tumble southern gentleman, but you can't say they weren't afraid to experiment with layering. The KKK definitely win the 'Most interesting silhouette to be lynched by' award in my books.

Far-right Politicans

If I were to tell you that these two men (Nick Griffin and Kyle Bristow, transatlantic hate pals) did not look retarded, I would be lying. These barely legitimate politicians both look like they have graduated special school and their mothers have dragged them to the graduation ceremony in their church clothes. Note that Griffin's tie says "I might want to kill all Pakistanis, but it's a pink tie, I'm a nice guy really." but his facial expression says "I want to eat the children of minorities." You're sending me mixed messages, Nick.

Neo-Nazi Skinheads

We're now getting into the racist groups that I suppose you could call properly fashionable, but there is still a lot of ground to be made up. Neo-nazi skinheads picked up on the skinny jean thing long before the rest of todays youth, and Doc Martens are so working-class chic. Not too keen on the ugly jackets, though, and the way they hang around in groups being violent is so uncouth. A note to skinheads: Before shaving off your hair, make sure you don't have an ugly head shape.


It goes without saying that the Nazis knew a thing or two about the way to carry out a stylish humanitarian catastrophe, however everything that needs to be said about the Nazis has already been said so I'll let you draw your own conclusions.

The Black Panthers

Before some teenage politician posts a comment saying "thinerkid u r such an idort black panfers r not racist", I'd like to point out that were the Black Panthers a white organisation they would've been considered one. Examine any picture of the Black Panthers and you will see that they were seriously stylish, winning the 'Best in show' award for the 21st century. Those leather jackets, the slim black trousers, highly polished boots. Intimidating, well thought out, a touch of military with the berets. Well done Black Panthers, you are the best dressed racists.


  1. I find it absolutely disgusting how you choose to sensationalise these monstrosities. You don’t need full stops, you need toilet paper.

  2. black people rock my socks!!
    i love how they have really big dicks. so fabulous!

  3. "I find it absolutely disgusting how you choose to sensationalise these monstrosities. You don’t need full stops, you need toilet paper."

    Stop taking the internet and this blog so fucking seriously. While you're at it, take your head from out your asshole and stop being such a boring, miserable faggot.

  4. Why would they take the KKK seriously?
    What a party pooper!

  5. Kash, you are a genius.

    + Nick Griffin = ): ): ): Horrible man.

  6. hahahah I enjoyed this loads, even more so after reading the farcical moralising comment left by some self-righteous prick who can't tell irony when he sees it.

  7. You have to be fucking kidding me. The Black Panthers most stylish? You need your eyesight checked. It's clearly the Nazis who are the best dressed. In particular I would like to refer you to the Panzer Waffen. You know you want to cop one of their jackets.

  8. this one made me titter fo sho

    Emma x

  9. great post... seriously

  10. You disgust me, prick.
